Power of Salesforce Communities – Salesforce NFP Champion Event 21st March

Unlock the power of Salesforce Communities for your Non-Profit Org!

Attend our Salesforce Champion Event on the 21st March to find out more – click here to register

If you are interested in or already have Salesforce.com at your organisation then why not get the most out of it by establishing a community?

Salesforce Communities provides secure login access to a branded online space for your stakeholders e.g. applicants, volunteers, learners, members, beneficiaries and partners to input and view data securely and/or connect with you and each other.

You can customize and create communities to meet your needs, then transition seamlessly between them. our Company will be sharing ideas from the communities it has implemented with it’s clients.

Communities can be used to:

  • Improve membership or customer experience by giving beneficiaries a branded space to find exactly the advice and information they need from your org..
  • Provide a secure area for online grant applications and reporting forms.
  • Manage and provide support for your volunteers online, collect data and track outcomes.
  • Set up secure access to restricted data for partners or consultants in the field.
  • Provide an online learning environment for beneficiaries and track their progress.
  • Provide an HR and intranet space for employees to access private information or connect.
  • Provide a community forum using Salesforce Chatter functionality for any stakeholder to discuss ideas, questions or thoughts with their peers.

You can create one or multiple communities within your organization for different purposes. Communities users can be given tiered secure access to your own Salesforce functionality and tabs.

our Company will be delivering a Champions Group Seminar for learning about how Salesforce Communities can be used in the not for Profit sector on the 21st of March.

There will be demos of community systems and examples of how some of our clients have adopted communities in their organisation, as well presentations of the future potential of community technology.

You will also get to hear top tips from Erica Rutherford, who spent three years working as the online community manager for the entrepreneurship project Virgin Media Pioneers. A journalism graduate from the University of Arts, she has 20 years experience in the media working for organisations such as BBC, ES Magazine and third sector organisations sch as disaster relief agency ADRA-UK and Brightside Trust, an education mentoring charity.

If your interested in attending please register here.

Roberto Mae

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