First Time On TV?
The entry cost of advertising on TV has “dramatically” fallen with the onset of multichannel TV. Gone are the days when you require at least £150,000 production budget for a commercial and at least £1m advertising budget to run an effective test on terrestrial TV.
The growth of digital TV has led to one major new factor. Viewers now have “choice”. The choice to not watch a terrestrial channel and thus select one of our highly entertaining thematic / lifestyle channels is now very evident. Our channels are growing every year at the expense of our terrestrial counterparts. Choice has opened the television market to an array of new advertisers.
IDS pride themselves on our innovative approach to this new potential market. We can advise on all levels. From production and call-handling to agency representation and investment entry levels. It is in our interest to ensure that you receive the best possible experience when you contemplate moving your brand(s) into TV.
Since our viewers pay to receive our channels, they are receptive to advertising messages, as they are making conscious choices about the programmes they watch, out of the many dozens available. Our channels offer an unrivalled mix of comedy, lifestyle, drama and documentaries, so we can cater for very targeted as well as broader audience groups.