How to Deliver a Digital Strategy

Posted On By Roberto Mae

Over the next couple of months we are delivering a series of ‘How To’ webinars and offering a free 1hr consultation, to empower non profits to create and manage a Digital Strategy to deliver integrated digital solutions with a CRM at the heart to power their organisation.

If a Digital Strategy is deployed successfully, a non-profit should see digital solutions that are managed and adopted successfully by their teams with great data quality and experience economic and social benefits. We have engaged with non-profits where they have previously experienced failed digital transformation projects because there hasn’t been the right approach to planning, management and governance in place.

We are therefore providing free training to empower CRM project managers, accidental system admins and executive sponsors to give them the information, tools and strategies they need to avoid the pitfalls.

Non-profits are realising now more than ever that they need to embrace a full digital strategy to achieve future success. Whether it’s risks of cyber security, the need to power flexible working, reduce administration costs, improve team co-ordination, or the need to remain attractive and accessible to changing consumer behaviours…there are a few reasons why it’s important now more than ever.

The question is what is a Digital Strategy and how do manage systems and data effectively in the long term….

We want to give you the tools to achieve this…and this is why..

A recent report by Salesforce highlighted two key findings: the vast majority (85%) of nonprofits surveyed said technology is the key to the success of their organizations, less than one quarter (23%) actually had a long-term strategy and vision for how technology would be used in their organization.

Along the same lines latest research by Charity Digital, shows clearly that charities are growing successfully by embracing a CRM, and that they have experienced significant economic benefits by having a digital strategy and CRM in place but many don’t know where to start.

There are three key aspects which influence the successful execution of a Digital Strategy – Selecting the right solutions, the ongoing management of the system and users and maintaining data integrity.

Join our webinars and book in your free 1hr Digital Strategy consultation to find out more..

How to Create a Digital Strategy and Road Map – 2-3pm Friday 1st May

Creating an centralised digital strategy with Salesforce CRM at the core supported by integrated solutions is the vision we propose. It doesn’t mean implementing everything at once, but it’s important to have a strategy and a road map with a steering group, roles and responsibilities and an understanding of possible solutions to start putting together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to achieve success. We will look at what a Digital Strategy should entail and how to tackle it head on.

Watch the Recording Here


How to Manage a CRM System and Support Users – 2-3pm Friday 22nd May

Your Digital Strategy and related systems are only going to achieve your business objectives if there is good governance and ongoing management. Join our free training session to learn more about what good System Governance looks like and the support system you should have in place to keep your system relevant, useful and performing well for users.

Watch the Recording Here


How to Manage Data Security & Integrity – 2-3pm Friday 19th June

Your system(s) are only as good as the data you have within it, so how do you manage data integrity successfully so all users follow suit. Join our free training session on Data Governance and Management and how you can implement a long term strategy to avoid an issue of low adoption and no trust in a system.

Click Here To Register Here

What else can we offer?

Book in for a FREE 1hr Digital Strategy Consultation – One to One coaching to discuss your specific requirements and scenarios Click here to book a time with Conway Buckle

Admin Training Virtual Workshops – get to grips with hands-on system admin essentials from security to customisation to manage your own system for the long term.

Click Here to Find Out More

Sign up for a Free Health Checks – If you are already using Salesforce we can provide a free Health Check on your system around the above areas subject to availability.

Click Here To Find Out More


Alternatively, Contact Us to discuss other Salesforce consultancy and support services.

Roberto Mae

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