Get prepared for Future Funding

Posted On By Roberto Mae

During November, Heather has been working with One East Midlands to help Third Sector organisations in the region start to think and prepare for the future ERDF funding rounds in 2014 -2015.

Below, Heather sum’s up her top tips for getting ready to apply for funding.

‘As an organisation it is vital to be one step ahead of your competitors and start to prepare for funding bids that are in the pipeline in plenty of time!

To make sure you are prepared:-

  1. Start to understand the impact indicators of interest to your target funders in advance of the deadline
  2. Start to review your current impact data to see if you have the right evidence to prove your value to the funder.
  3. If not, you may need to refine your social impact framework and monitoring process to start gathering the appropriate data asap.
  4. If you can’t meet all of the expected indicators, can you identify suitable partners who can help you to meet the range of impact indicators required?
  5. Gear up for completing applications quickly – Do you have the management information and impact data readily available?
  6. If not, set up a CRM monitoring system such as Salesforce CRM to track your management data and impact data real-time so it’s available at a touch of a button.

Good luck in your applications…

[highlight dark=”no”]Need Further Help[/highlight]

Join our next Measuring Impact Workshop or Download our E-Guide to ‘Measuring Social Impact’

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Roberto Mae

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