From Contact Database Disarray to Excellent Client Management

Organisations deal with a wide range of stakeholders on a daily basis, from clients, beneficiaries, funders, donors, volunteers, trustees etc.

These stakeholders are at the core of their existence and should be treated with highest regard as ‘Customer Service’ is a key ingredient to a successful organisation.

One of the biggest challenges for many organisations is centrally recording and co-ordinating communications with these contacts to achieve excellent customer service and team efficiency.

I regularly hear that contact lists span spreadsheets, e-marketing tools, archived databases etc. which can lead to missed opportunities, annoyed customers, stressed team members and wasted time. This can all lead to increased costs or lost income, which does not foster growth and sustainability.

Your range of stakeholders are likely to be engaged with your organisation through a variety of business functions and/or departments, therefore a robust management system enables a co-ordinated approach to communication and relationship management between your team members.

A good organisational wide CRM management system should be able to manage contacts and relationships across:

  • Marketing and Communication
  • Sales / Fundraising
  • Financial Management
  • HR and Personnel
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Project/Contract Management
  • Impact Measurement

To achieve this you may select one system or integrate one or more systems together to achieve your requirements. For example Salesforce CRM integrates with a wide range of applications from e-marketing tools, online payment/donation tools, to event management registration, which allows information and contacts to be updated and shared intelligently reducing the need for duplicate entry or dis-jointed communication.

During the planning and design process it is worth exploring your options to find the best system(s) suited for your organisation.

You would implement a good CRM for the following reasons: –

Key Business Drivers

Management Responsibilities

  • Install Quality Control Processes
  • Monitor and Report on Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
  • Improve Efficiency, Visibility and Accountability
  • Evaluate and Improve Productivity

Financial Management

  • Reduce Costs and Increase Profit
  • Monitor Fundraising/Sales Pipeline
  • Manage Contract Income/Claims
  • Monitor Cashflow/ Expenditure

Resource Management

  • Reduce admin by automating activities
  • Track Team Activities and Delivery
  • Co-ordinate Team Work
  • HR and Performance Management

Customer Experience

  • 360o View of Customer
  • Productive Marketing and Sales
  • Manage Customer Relations
  • Monitor Customer Satisfaction

We help sociallly driven organisations to assess their management system requirements and/or implement Salesforce CRM Implementation – find out more here or contact us

This snippet is from our E-Guide – ‘Developing your Management Systems’ – Download it here

Roberto Mae

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