Non-Profit Relationships Wrap-up – Economic Change

Economic Exchange Wrap-Up 2016: How to build successful relationships


Check out the top tips from over 20 sector experts on how to build successful relationships – with corporates, public sector, volunteers, members, employers, trustees, communities through to social investors.

As part of our community mission over the last year, we have run 10 free events providing 40hrs of free learning to over 600 attendees and 6,000 blog post readers.

[highlight dark=”no”]Why?[/highlight] – our Company is passionate about helping organisations nurture successful stakeholder relationships by developing robust processes, implementing a CRM (Client Relationship Management) system and other digital tools to build intuitive, trusting and supportive relationships. Contact us to discuss our solutions

Check out the wrap up below with links to the relevant blogs summarising the Top Tips produced from our speaker events…Happy reading!

Membership Management

Five Reasons to Develop a Member Base

How to Develop a Membership Strategy .

Courtesy of Guest Experts: Alex Youell, CEO of Your Membership Matters , Matt Harrison, Director, Homeless Link and Heather Black, our Company CIC.


Social Investors

What Social Investors are Looking For

Insights from a Social Impact Bond Investor

Courtesy of Guest Experts: Jaishree Mistry, Lending Manager, Charity Bank and Melanie Mills, Social Sector Engagement Director from Big Society Capital, David Brinsford, Business Analyst, Big Issue Invest, Mila Lukic, Investment Manager, Bridges Ventures and Holger Westphely, Senior Investment Manager, CAF Venturesome – Charities Aid Foundation

Nurturing Trustee/Employee relationships

Top Tips for Getting the Most out of your Trustees and Staff

Courtesy of Guest Experts: Louise Beasley of Roots HR, Jo Wright of Phoenix Training and Coaching, and Nigel Kippax, of Charity Leaders & the Trustee Academy.


Public Sector Commissioning

Proving Social Impact to Public Sector Commissioners

Courtesy of Guest Experts: from Ioanna Rossi from The Green Mark, Anke Winchenbach from NEF Consulting, and Nick Temple from SEUK.

Volunteer Management

Top Tips for Achieving Excellence in Volunteer Management

Courtesy of Guest Experts from Do-it and Investing in Volunteers.



Corporate Relationships

Charity and Corporate Partnerships – Trends for Future Success

Courtesy of Guest Experts: Nicola Stopps, Simply Sustainable, James Harvey, Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneurs Programme, Stephanie Hagan, Business in the Community.



Harnessing the Power of Communities

Different Approaches to Community Fundraising

Crowdfunding for Non-Profits

Courtesy of Guest Experts: Dave Boyle, Director The Community Shares Company and Lisa Gagliani, MBE, Managing Director, Lisa Gagliani Associates Ltd, and Jason Nuttall, Funding Manager, Crowdfunder

[highlight dark=”no”]Lots of great food for thought here, and we would like to thank our great speakers for their contributions. We work closely with partners and associates to help our clients build a great strategy using digital tools and a CRM system is all about a great end-to-end solution to achieve success.[/highlight]

Next Steps

Contact Heather to talk about how we can help you build and nurture your stakeholder relationships to maximise your impact in 2017 or check out our Training Workshops for CRM Planning and Social Impact Measurement.

Roberto Mae

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