Time to Future proof your Charity?

Posted On By Roberto Mae

Is the Covid 19 pandemic forcing the sector to radically re-think how it operates?

Is it time to consider and reflect on how charities can continue to exist and even thrive when wider society is under pressure to change the very essence of how we live and communicate. 

Pre ‘Corona Virus’ the sector has been facing an increasing multitude of external pressures that directly affect the very core of how they continue to operate, grow and compete for funding, income and ‘brand’ awareness in a digital world. 

Charity Digital recently conducted a wide scale survey of front line charities in the UK and one of thier stark findings is that many charities have adopted a CRM as the key tool to overcome such challenges by leveraging features such data intelligence, automation for service delivery and marketing communications, ability to work remotely and store client data safely to name just a few. However, this only stands at 8% of the sector, yet 63% agree that investing in a CRM has proven to yield tangible cost savings and help drive income generation, regardless of the potential upfront implementation costs or effort of migrating data and mapping business processes.

What is also evident is that there is considerable levels of a lack of awareness and information, especially amongst small to medium sized charities cited as as a driving factor behind charities’ reluctance to begin implementing a CRM system. 

As many of you will be working from home, join our MD Heather Black and other expert panellists in CRM implementation for the Non-Profit Sector as they dissect the findings and talk to their experience of facing challenges and securing wins for non-profits, embracing the changing digital environment head on and implementing CRM solutions to secure their futures.


Thursday 26th March at 1pm (UK time) 

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Roberto Mae

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