How to build a Change Management Team

How to build a Change Management Team to avoid a Digital Transformation Bellyflop

This month, we are running a series of blogs about change management, with a free webinar on the 22nd of November explaining the key ingredients of successful change management. Watch the webinar back here>>

We are launching of our Change Management Online Training Course starting in December, which covers 8 steps to developing a change management plan – find out more and register to participate here>>

Join our free Digital Transformation Group to collaborate with other like-minded people on how to embrace change and manage digital transformation in your organisation>>

Below, we have provided a snippet of information related to ‘Step 4 – Building a Team’, which covers the key roles and responsibilities of a change management team.

There are some considerations when building a team:

  • This team is responsible for enabling and championing digital transformation throughout the organisation. They must have adequate time, be committed, excited, experienced or trained to fulfil their important roles.
  • Depending on your organisation’s size and skills, people may wear multiple hats in this team structure rather than have individuals for each role.
  • Some of the internal roles are not specifically recruited for this project, so these individuals will likely have normal day jobs within the organisation but they will take on extra responsibilities. Consider how these individuals may be rewarded or compensated.
  • Depending on your organisational culture, the leader or managers may nominate, or people might self-nominate for the different roles.
  • Some of the roles like coaches, counsellors and specialists may be optional depending on the nature, scale and type of project.
  • We would suggest reading through the rest of the guide and also considering the Belbin Team Types Model (1981) to create a balanced composition in regards to personality, skills and experience.

Role Responsibilities

  • Business Ambassador Executive Sponsorship
  • Communicating the vision
  • Allocating necessary resources
  • Defining a clear escalation process
  • Empowering the team to make decisions
  • Business Champions Providing business input from their area
  • Aligning and streamlining processes
  • Managing feedback loop with stakeholders
  • Managing roll out of solution to end-users
  • Business Analyst Assessing suitability of proposed new solution
  • Ensuring there is cost-benefit analysis
  • Testing and approving final solution is fit for purpose
  • Technical Experts Identify and prioritising the client’s requirements
  • Creating a solution to meet the needs of the business
  • Providing technical input and designing a solution
  • Change Management Consultant Coaches and guides the leaders of change
  • Creates a structure for the change management process
  • Project Management Creates the project plan
  • Manages the implementation on time and budget
  • Coordinating the efforts of team members
  • Communications Creates a communications plan for different stakeholders
  • Delivers the communication strategy
  • Specialists Provides specialist expertise or knowledge as required depending on the solution in question. Trainers Providing training to Champions
  • Provide training to end-users as required
  • Coaches Provide coaching to employees to enable them to explore and identify what the change means to them.
  • Providing coaching to leaders and champions to manage change.
  • Facilitator Facilitating workshops/discussions amongst teams and stakeholders to manage conflicts, aid decision-making and discuss solutions. Counsellors Provides counselling to individuals particularly in situations where the change will affect them adversely.
Roberto Mae

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