CRM Launch #2 – How to create a clear business case

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CRM Launch #2 – How to create a clear business case

You know you need a new CRM – it’ll save hours of admin time, give your team a clearer view of activities and progress, and create a central hub for all those scattered contacts and tasks you have – saving everybody time and money. But how do you communicate this need to your company execs, and secure executive sponsorship.

A Great Business Case  

It is essential that your business case includes SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) measures.  

SMART measures clearly show the financial and other benefits of the project, and will be an important tool both in finding an executive sponsor and for them to use in communications to teams further down the line. 

With our clients we look at measures of success around

  • improved customer service e.g. improved feedback score, improved referral rates, improved outcomes.
  • improved stakeholder engagement e.g. improved engagement rates, retention rates, or ROI on marketing campaigns
  • improved efficiency e.g. reduced administration, reduced costs and reduced leakage
  • improved business intelligence e.g. continual improvement, innovations, marketing proposition
  • improved financial stability e.g. quicker conversion, increased revenue, improved financial assurance.

Try to show how your project will change your organisation for the better! 

A Clear Rationale 

There has to be a clear rationale of the project, as there will undoubtedly be some colleagues who do not see a need for change.  

A good start in this process is to perform a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is basically a review of the current level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction associated with the status quo and any anticipated changes. You look at:

This will help to anticipate whether changes are necessary in the eyes of the participants and are a priority at this present time. It is useful to include different team members with different perspectives and skills, to ensure the outcomes are balanced and you find the best solution for your organisation.  

Finding an Executive Sponsor  

Finding the right person to be your exec sponsor is just as important as your business case – you could have the best business case ever, but if your sponsor is not fully engaged and involved then it won’t get you far.  

You’ll need to think carefully about who you approach. First of all, they should be enthusiastic and actively engaged in the project! Their enthusiasm will go far in helping with adoption further down the line and enthusing managers and other board members.  

Ability to communicate clearly and engage teams in the project is a key responsibility of your exec sponsor, so these are essential qualities.  

Finally, on a very practical note, your executive sponsor should have the authority to do all of the above effectively, and control of the budget so they can keep the project moving.  

Ready to go!


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