Salesforce World Tour – London is nearly upon us!
Heather will be speaking about Impact Management on the day, and we’ve been sharing thoughts on the challenges of implementing Salesforce projects for our clients. We asked a few for their charity Salesforce implementation top tips…
Alexa Sage – Visionary
“If you have not had a database before and Salesforce is your organisation’s first go at implementing a database, don’t underestimate the amount of time it can take to implement this solution. Not necessarily because of any complex technical requirements but because introducing a database is a massive cultural change.”
Change Management
“Staff have their own expectations of what a database will do. Some will be resistant to moving away from a system they are comfortable with to the unknown. Others will rush ahead in excitement and will want to develop it too quickly.”
Process and Project Champions
“You will need to establish clear processes internally on how you record, process and access the information on the database. Ideally, you will have two staff members who are comfortable becoming database administrators who can invest some time in self-learning through our Company webinars or Salesforce Trailhead for example. Our journey of implementation continued long after our Company’s involvement.”
Managing Expectations
“Fortunately, our biggest issue now is trying to contain the excitement of just how much we can achieve with Salesforce. The possibilities for integration, new insight, evidencing impact are endless – far beyond what could be achieved with most other database solutions. You just need to make sure you spend the time learning to walk before you start running!”
Simon des Forges – Viewpoint
Forward Planning
“Make sure you sit down and spend time as a team looking at what you do, what you want to achieve and any current barriers which are stopping you doing this. The planning stage is a great opportunity look at your processes and make some positive changes. It may seem difficult at first glance to see how Salesforce can be shaped to fit your unique way of working but the flexibility of the platform means that even the most specialist services can benefit.”
Sally Goodger, Shaw Trust
Nominate a Salesforce Trailblazer
“Make sure you have a project manager overseeing the implementation and also someone in your team who is prepared to become your Salesforce guru by completing the Trailhead modules. It’ll be a great CV booster for them too!”
Ready for implementation?
At our Company we guide our clients through a series of steps to ensure a system is properly designed and embedded into an organisation. Our combined expertise in business strategy, change management, social impact and management systems, is a powerful combination and seeks to reduce the risk of failure of a new IT Implementation. Contact us if you would like to arrange a FREE 30 Mins consultation to discuss your project.