St Alban’s Community Centre – Case Study

St Albans Community Centre is a medium-sized charity, providing a wide range of services to the local community. The charity was established in 1983, with the commitment of a number of people, including Pat Ryan and Beryl Chandler. The organisation is funded by several means, including the local authority, individual grant funders, donations and charges for services.

St Albans deliver a range of services including a Pre-school, be-friending service, advice service and lunch club.

How did our Company support?

our Company provided support during the independent impact evaluation process of their ’Caring in a Crisis’ Advocacy Support Service, delivered between 2011 and 2015 to deliver help and support to vulnerable groups living in the local community, funded by a number of partners.

We reviewed and analysed quantitative data to determine outputs and outcomes in line with existing and future funder’s reporting requirements and structured their report to demonstrate key achievements, learning and findings of the programme.

What the client says…
‘We had an excellent and speedy response to this work and our deadlines. Thorough work was carried out and in-depth appraisal provided by the our Company team. As a result we have a more robust and informative monitoring and evaluation process in place.’ Tonia Flannagan, Association Manager

Outcome of the Work

St Albans has been successful in obtaining funding for 5 years from Big Lottery Reaching Communities to enable us to continue to offer our much needed Caring in a Crisis, Advocacy and Support Service.

The new Big Lottery Reaching Communities Caring in a Crisis started in early 2016. This funding will enable the advocate to continue to provide a holistic approach to clients, helping with the multiple issues people face.

Interested in Impact Measurement Support?

Roberto Mae

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