Our Salesforce Champion events support organisations to harness the power of Salesforce.com technology to manage their business activities more effectively. On a quarterly basis we run events to raise awareness of opportunities to maximise the role and impact of your CRM database.
our Company CIC, is a specialist Salesforce.com consultancy for the non-profit sector, we help our clients to implement a full management solution to track activities and performance of their different business departments and impact measurement using Salesforce CRM.
Data Protection Webinar – 17th June at 2pm
Paul Ticher, one of the country’s leading experts in Data Protection in the voluntary sector, is hosting this Salesforce Champion’s webinar on the latest changes in the Data Protection Regulation and how it could affect your collection and use of Data within your CRM.
Paul has over 20 years’ experience in the voluntary sector, as an information worker, manager and Board member in local and national charities. He is a well-known independent consultant specialising in Data Protection, information management and IT strategy.
After lengthy deliberations, the EU finally signed off its new General Data Protection Regulation on 5th May. While this doesn’t change the fundamentals of Data Protection, it makes a number of significant changes, in particular around consent, online services, the responsibilities of Data Controllers, and how the Regulation will be enforced.
This webinar will highlight the main themes in the Regulation, and the effects they are likely to have on CRM databases that are used for fundraising and other marketing activities. (It is assumed that this Regulation or a close equivalent will be a requirement for the UK, regardless of whether the vote on 23rd June is for leaving or staying in the EU.)
Please register here to attend
An invite with instructions to the webinar will be sent 30 minutes before the event is due to start.