Grant to Develop Management Processes

Posted On By Roberto Mae

Looking to improve your systems and processes across your organisation to increase efficiency and reduce administration?

Then you might be interested in our Operational Management Consultancy support and the Growth Accelerator Grant.

Our Operational Management Support Programme delivers a coaching programme with the management team to discuss and review the following areas, with the aim of improving operational processes and systems to sustain the organisation’s plan for growth:-

  • Business Vision, Motivations and Challenges
  • KPI’s and Measures of Success
  • Review of systems and process across all business functions
  • Identified requirements for new systems and processes
  • Action plan for implementing new processes

If you are high growth SME then you might be eligible for a financial grant to support this process. Find out more about the grant here

To get an insight into what we cover during the consultancy, you can also download our E-Guide to Developing your Management Systems for £5.99

Roberto Mae

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