How Cloud CRM can help Trustees and Charities to deliver results.

In the run up to Trustees’ Week, we will be running a series of blogs helping CEO’s and Trustees of Charities explore the benefits of Cloud-based CRM systems to help their charity embrace digital, culminating with a free webinar on cloud-based solutions on the 10th November.

This series was developed in response to the recent Charity Commission report on the Making Digital Work 12 Questions for Trustees to Consider and looks at Cloud CRM and Trustees.

We firmly believe that a Cloud-based CRM and integrated digital tools will help trustees to improve a number of key areas:

  • Governance & Strategy– Through collecting and consolidating data about stakeholders on a daily basis, to provide transparency on progress towards KPI’s real-time with quick analysis of organisational data in graphs and reports, all in one system.
  • Service Delivery– By providing different ways for stakeholders to connect and interact with the organisation (via online and offline technology) to access information, support, complaints, making payments, and for the organisation; tracking stakeholder interaction and overall satisfaction.
  • Fundraising– By raising awareness about fundraising activity, improving online payment options, keeping data secure and improving relationships with funders for the long-term through different digital tools.
  • Cyber security – Keeping your data secure and only accessible to those who need to see it, with clarity about communication practices to manage data protection requirements.
  • Resourcing – Reducing administration costs and providing a cost-effective licensed Cloud-based solution that is customisable and adaptable for scaling up or down as needed.

Find out more – watch our free webinar from Trustees’ Week, on the 10th November 12.30 – 1.30, to learn more about Salesforce CRM and what it could do for your charity.

So today, looking at point 1 – Governance & Strategy.

The role of the trustees is to govern, oversee performance and support the strategic growth and sustainability of an organisation. They do this, on average within 20 hours a year, at quarterly board meetings and an annual away day. Their time is precious.

We work with CEOs and their Trustees to help develop robust business strategies with defined KPI’s, management processes and management systems using Salesforce CRM, to help make the performance monitoring and review process much quicker to adopt and manage.

For an example of performance management KPI’s for senior management teams and our top tips –  Click here to download our free Performance Management Guide for Trustees 

Transparency and Accountability

We support non-profits to adopt Salesforce CRM to help manage daily activities and reporting around sales/fundraising, marketing, delivery of services, impact measurement and HR.

This enables a team to use one system that fulfils a wide variety of business functions, and means that all data is contained in one place, and easy to report on at any point in time. Our CEO clients do love a Trustee Dashboard that shows all of their KPI metrics real-time. They no longer need to spend days preparing for a Trustee meeting, as all of the data is ready.

We produce dashboards that quickly analyse data collected with the CRM to show real-time analytics about performance across:

  • [highlight dark=”no”]financial [/highlight]– sales, expenses, forecast
  • [highlight dark=”no”]human resource[/highlight] – employees, volunteers
  • [highlight dark=”no”]stakeholder engagement[/highlight] – customer interaction satisfaction and impact

Take Action

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  • Watch our free webinar from Trustees’ Week, to learn about Salesforce CRM and what it could do for your charity.
  • Find out about our 6 day free support offer for small charities and apply by the 30th October. – click here
  • To understand more about Developing a Management System you can also download our E-Guide here.



Roberto Mae

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