Bidright UK & Economic Change contract readiness workshop



Economic Exchange is a series of free monthly events set up to share specialist knowledge and insight of our team and our partners, to support socially driven organisations to transform and improve the way they work.

During September, Bidright UK & our Company CIC are running a free Contract Readiness workshop to help you become more competitive as you prepare for upcoming opportunities.

Join our workshop to find out about the latest commissioner requirements & expectations for the skills and employability sector, and how to maintain your competitiveness.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015 from 10:30 to 15:00 at CAN Mezzanine, 32 – 36 Loman Street, London SE1 0EH

We’ll share information and guidance about how to become contract-ready, including:

  • Information on upcoming procurement opportunities
  • Latest commissioner requirements and expectations – Data management & Quality Control
  • Competitive positioning and marketing – strategy and social impact evidence
  • Social Investment readiness for Social Impact Bonds and Working Capital Investment
  • Grants available to help you becoming contract and investment ready
  • Insight from other guest speakers




our Company CIC specialises in helping social ventures to measure their performance and social impact on a real-time basis.Our combined expertise in business strategy, contract management, social impact measurement and Salesforce CRM helps us to produce a complete management solution for our clients, helping them become contract and investment ready. We have supported over 300 organisations since 2012 to become more efficient and sustainable.


Bidright UK was founded in 2011 to meet the needs of small and medium-sized companies, social enterprises and consortia who need extra support with bid-writing or consortium building. Since 2012 – 2014, we have completed in the region of 242 bids with a success rate of 65.3 %. Our clients have rapidly grown across the industry from Leeds to Cornwall, and from small – national organisations. Our main area of expertise is the Skills and Employability Sector including funders such as the Skills Funding Agency, DWP, Local Authority, European Social Fund and other similar bodies.




Roberto Mae

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