Automating Fundraising Asks and Tasks

Are you hitting your fundraising targets? If no, then Automating Fundraising Asks and Tasks might help!

Supporter engagement has never been so critical. At a time where budgets and resource are tight, and donors are demanding an ever-personalised giving experience, how can small teams increase their fundraising impact?

I believe the answer lies in marketing automation. Imagine the outputs of another team member or two, how much more could you achieve?

Whatever the system, marketing automation plays a vital part in any digital strategy but it’s an ever-changing game. Staying ahead of digital advancements is a challenge in itself, so here are a few ideas to add automation to your fundraising strategy.

Watch the recorded webinar here>>

We will be looking at your fundraising pain-points and how to address these with marketing automation. Whether you’re completely new to automation, or are looking for ways to improve your current strategy, we’ll look at practical ways to grow your fundraising income with automation across all systems and tools. Covering:

  • Engaging on a personal level
  • Managing preferences
  • A multi-channel experience
  • Manipulating data
  • Proving your fundraising ROI

Want to review your marketing automation on a 1:1 level? Contact us for a free marketing automation review.

Interested in learning automation to help grow your fundraising income? Register for our four-week Marketing Automation Course here>>

If you need a new CRM – Find out more about our FREE CRM Planning Course and CRM Charity Discount Package here

Roberto Mae

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