Economic Exchange Event – Unpacking Social Impact Bonds – Meet the Investors

Economic Exchange events are free monthly events set up to share specialist knowledge and insight of our team and selected partners, to support socially driven organisations to transform and improve the way they work.

This event will be of interest to Senior Management within Charities, Social Enterprises and Prime Contractors.

There will be an opportunity to network with speakers and delegates over a light lunch afterwards and we hope you can join us.

When: Friday 17th June 2016 – 10 -12.30pm

Where: CAN Mezzanine Old Street, 49-51 East Road, Old Street, London

During this free event we will be looking into the preparation requirements, process and funding available to help you gear up for tendering for social impact bonds.
Why Social Impact Bonds?

Both national and local commissioners are gearing up to deliver more contracts this way, so how you can prepare for this type of tendering, what is the social investment vehicle and model on offer, and what funding can help you prepare for the process. The investors will be sharing their insight of supporting SIBs across:

[checklist type=”eg. checked, dotted, arrowed”]

  • Health & Well-Being
  • Children and Families
  • NEET Young People
  • Homelessness and Rough Sleeping

[/checklist] Attend our event to find out more about:

Our Speakers

  • Heather Black, Managing Director – our Company – Getting contract ready and preparing your business case and insight on Big Potential, as an approved provider.
  • David Brinsford, Business Analyst – Big Issue Invest – Insights from a Social Impact Bond Investor
  • Mila Lukic, Investment Manager – Bridges Ventures – Insights from a Social Impact Bond Investor
  • Holger Westphely, Senior Investment Manager, CAF Venturesome – Charities Aid Foundation – Insights from a Social Impact Bond Investor

Spaces are limited at our free events, with a maximum of 2 people per organisation.

Click here to register to attend

Roberto Mae

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