Scale up your Programme Delivery through digitisation

As part of our series on using Digital Services to scale and grow your charities operations in 2024, this week we showcase the first example of a non-profit successfully using Salesforce to underpin the growth in their programme management on our first live webinar of the year.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Services are a local charity who have managed to scale the organisation’s delivery though improving their data intelligence.

By creating a 360 view of beneficiary support interventions, they have transformed their response times, provide personalised support and demonstrate tangible impact to funders with the customisation of Salesforce NPSP and introduction of our custom Impact Management Solution and Service Cloud. 

Join us live to hear their story on Monday 27th January – 10am – 11am

Save your seat to hear more detail about their journey in a Live Q&A with the Charity on our upcoming Webinar or to listen in to the recording.

Register now

Learn about our Limited Small Charity Discount Package which the organisation took advantage of to enable them to address their digital barriers to improving service and programme delivery.

Click here.

Why is it important?

Last year’s Charity Digital Report highlighted that “ More than two thirds of charities (67%) want to use digital to increase their impact. However, less than a quarter of charities (23%) have a clear strategy for how digital can help achieve their goals, indicating that the majority of charities have not aligned their digital and organisational strategies.“

This is becoming an area of concern for staff working in charities. First hand we have heard how managers who don’t use digital tools are swamped in multiple spreadsheets, spend hours gathering data for reporting or worse-still have no data to accurately report on, and there is inconsistent or lack of information about what they are delivering with beneficiaries. Instead of working on the front-line they are swamped in admin, frustrated by working long hours and not happy working within their current environment. Valuable time and money is being wasted that could be used to help more people.

In the Charity Digital Report it highlighted that a Charity using Digital tools was becoming a career driver for talent. In the recent survey, respondents cited that “If the way their charity uses digital doesn’t improve, 36% of respondents are unsure if they will stay in their role in the long term or are planning to look for a job at another. Part of this problem maybe due to lack of leaders with relevant skills and understanding. The report highlighted that “58% say that their charities have fair to low skills in digital leadership”.

We can appreciate that with competing demands on Charity CEO’s , attention can often be turned to raising funds, campaigning, delivering programmes, or other competing interests as opposed to learning and investing in the new latest technology. But what if digital technology is the ultimate answer and solution help you deliver on your mission more effectively and scale up successfully?

It’s worth the exploration and investment to consider the options available and what other charities have learn’t from their own experience.

Over the next couple of months we will be sharing with you some charity case studies who have used technology to effectively scale their help desk and support services successfully. It has helped them to reduce costs and admin, enabled them to provide quicker response times with better insight and intelligence, which in turn has helped them to achieve greater outcomes for their customers and their teams. We can’t wait to share these stories with you, provide some insight into the products and give you the opportunity to hear their feedback first-hand through our upcoming webinars and events. Sign up to our News-Bulletin to be kept informed.


Roberto Mae

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