Is it time to think about planning your CRM System?

Why choose a CRM?

If your organisation is need of technical solution to manage and help deliver your core business functions in a seamless, integrated and efficient way, then a CRM is the answer. It can help charities in particular successfully deliver key functions including fundraising, marketing, grant management and the reporting and evaluation of impact management in addition to underpinning the operation of front line services.

So, why consider investing in a CRM?

We outline some of the key organisational benefits organisations report since acquiring a CRM to help justify the return on investment.

First and foremost, they primarily help transform your organisation into a data led and information rich one. In a digital age, where most prospective donors, volunteers, funders and stakeholders are communicating, interacting and exchanging information online, a CRM is essential in helping you understand how people engage with you, inform how you and whom you communicate with using meaningful and targeted methods.

A CRM can help automate everyday tasks

Do you suffer from working with a myriad of spreadsheets, paper forms and different systems for different functions? A CRM is the solution to using advanced organisational technology that can not only accurately categorise data for easy future reference, but can automate many administrative and repetitive tasks such as manual data entry.  The accessibility of data thanks to the cloud makes information available at of the click of a button in a safe and data compliant way. 

CRM means greater efficiency for multiple teams 

Automatically stored communication allows you to view emails, calendar, and phone call details in one place. Add that to the ability for multiple teams to access the same information, and the amount of achievable progress simply skyrockets! 

CRM leads to improved analytical data and reporting.

CRM systems store information in one place which leads to improved analysing of the data as a whole. Easily integrated with different tools or plugins, you have the ability to generate automatic reports to maximise your time and gather an accurate and comprehensive profile of your beneficiaries or service users. 

Personalised dashboard views provide front line staff with the ability to quickly locate information needed such as support plans, assessments or donor registration details,  With better reporting data, you can provide your funders and donors with the right information on delivery outcomes and impact management.


What are the added business benefits or commercial advantage of investing in a CRM?

According to a study of over 6,200 Salesforce customers by Market Tools Inc.; 

  • 37% found an overall reduction in IT costs 
  • 35% increase in company collaboration internally amongst team members
  • 48% improvement in finding information quickly 
  • 54% improvement in managing customer information
  • 50% increase in idea generation and the sharing of those ideas
  • 37% increase in the amount of pipeline generated through marketing/fundraising campaigns

If we’ve persuaded you to explore the next steps, then register for our FREE online course by clicking the button below. 

Where do you begin?

At our Company, you need look no further – we have the 8 by 8!  We have developed an 8 hour course of free content to help you think through the 8 steps to planning your CRM requirements.

Our eight step formula is tried and tested with over 200 clients and has the added bonus of being designed for the non-profit sector. The course specifically helps you understand and think through:

  1. Understanding Management Systems
  2. The Process of Implementation
  3. Preparing the Business Case
  4. Choosing a System
  5. Reviewing and Designing the System
  6. Implementation of System
  7. Successful Application
  8. Successful Adoption Formula

If we have wet your appetite and your keen to dive deeper then sign up to access the course now! 


Roberto Mae

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