Gear up for winning public sector contacts

Compete Effectively…Develop your Operational Plan for Growth & Contract Readiness

our Company works with organisations everyday who are competing for public sector contracts. We help them develop their social impact measurement strategies, management processes and systems ready to win. We wanted to share some trends that commissioners are looking for in terms of quality expectations and best practice in regards to managing contracts. We have summarised our findings below and in the attached pdf.

Market Trends

Commissioner Priorities

  • Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness
  • Security of data
  • Customer service
  • Value for money
  • Proof of impact
  • Social value

An organisation needs to respond by:

  • Reducing administration costs
  • Implementing secure and robust systems
  • Demonstrating the customer journey
  • Showing a cost benefit analysis
  • Providing evidence of performance
  • Demonstrating wider impact

Based on these trends, we suggest reviewing 5 areas of your business to ensure you can compete effectively:

  1. Customer Information and Intelligence
  2. Excellent Customer Service
  3. Lean Management Processes
  4. Robust Management Information Systems
  5. Key Performance Indicators for the Business and Impact

We have set out some recommendations for each of the above areas within our downloadable guide.

Click here to Download our Company Contract Readiness Presentation

Further Support

Attend one of our Measuring Social Impact Masterclass – Click here to find out more

Contact us for free consultation about Salesforce CRM for monitoring and securing data.

Roberto Mae

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