Using Salesforce CRM for Impact Monitoring Webinar

Posted On By Roberto Mae

At our Company we specialise in customising Salesforce CRM to help non-profits monitor their impact and we wanted to share our learning with you.


During this webinar we will be demonstrating how you can use Salesforce CRM and integrated third party apps to assist your team to effectively monitor outputs and outcomes to demonstrate social impact. The webinar will be of interest to potential and existing users of Salesforce CRM.

Impact Monitoring Webinar – 29th September at 9:30am

The webinar will cover:

  • Online Survey Tools that integrate data straight into the CRM
  • Data Capture Capabilities using Mobile, Tablet, Text, Webchat and Computer
  • Data Analysis Capabilities using Distance Travelled Summaries, Reports, and Snapshot Reporting.
  • Reports and Analytical Dashboards
  • A live demo of Wave Analytics by
  • Example Case Studies

[highlight dark=”no”]Click Here to Register to Attend[/highlight]

Webinar Joining instructions will be sent out the day before the webinar is due to begin, with a unique URL per attendee.

Please note spaces are limited so do not pass on the link to other colleagues unless they have signed up here.

Priority will be given to non-profit organisations to participate and other consultants/partners will be kept on a reservation list.


Roberto Mae

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