Salesforce connected nonprofit event – Highlights and Learnings

Heather talks impact at Salesforce Connected Nonprofit event 2017 our Company was thrilled to be asked to speak at the event yesterday, hosted by The theme for the Connected Nonprofit event  was the NonProfit Success pack (NPSP) which is available to download for free (up to 10 user licenses) and celebrated how Salesforce technology has helped 165,ooo nonprofits worldwide to achieve their mission. Heather spoke alongside Christine Hatt, Chance UK about Salesforce for Impact and shared the Chance UK steps to successfully implementing a Salesforce CRM, having recently adopted Salesforce with the help of our Company. You can learn more about the Salesforce Connected Nonprofit with the Trailmix created from the event on the Salesforce Trailhead (online learning) website. Heather outlined the core benefits of Salesforce technology for Programme Delivery and Impact Management as:

  • Improved security (including data and GDPR)
  • Real Time Analytics
  • Better Team Working
  • Stronger relationships

Christine’s Top Tips for Implementing a Salesforce Project:


  • Take the time to work out exactly what you want from the platform
  • Choose your developer carefully
  • Consult the whole staff team
  • Bring in expert external support if you don’t have in-house expertise
  • Allocate sufficient funds
  • Do the details –they’re really important
  • Be patient – it takes time!

You can view the video of Heather & Christine’s presentation below, or request a copy of the slides by contacting

[youtube id=”JR2-zIlivCw” width=”600″ height=”350″] Looking to implement or enhance your existing Salesforce system? We’d love to arrange a free consultation – just drop us an email to  

Roberto Mae

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